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Featured Artists & Musicians

48 Hours Theatre Inc. is dedicated to providing opportunities to young artists and musicians to promote their work and perform. We believe that the future of theatre hinges on its ability to collaborate with professional artists and musicians to build a new inspirational medium that includes multiple forms of art and performance.


Interested in being considered as a Feature? Send your name, website/Facebook, and a few images/clips of your work


Max Amory

Occupation: Musician & Entrepreneur
“With my new album I want it to have a life of it's own..I want it flow, like waves of highs and lows...moutains and oceans and's all one ecosystems so it all works together.”
Facebook: Max Amory

Indian CavesMax Amory
Hannah Harvey

Occupation: Actress & Student
“When I took this beginning acting class and we worked on Shakespeare, I realized that theatre wasn't just goofy songs and dances, but it can be more serious...acting can have many more layers than that.”


Wayne Holland III

Occupation: Musical Composer
“Musical theatre is still important because of the grandeur...plays are great but it doesn't have the song you get to take home with you....and everybody loves a tap dance.”
Facebook: Wayne Hampton Holland III

The PeckWayne Holland III
Abraham Rodriguez

Occupation: Artist & Educational Manager
“I'd want to be remembered for being great with details...I'd want to be the guy who paid a lot of care and attention to the little things.”

Website: Abe Luke Rodriguez


Tom Walsh

Occupation: Musician & Music Teacher
“One thing that's really changed about how I think about music when it comes to theory & everything, it's simpler than you's limiting in a way because you can't write song with just two cords....but some songs are awesome that way.”

The Lights Do ThatTom Walsh
Stephanie Calabrese

Occupation: Photographer & Student
“One of my biggest passions in taking photos of people. I love when I take a photo of someone and it makes them make them feel beautiful really inspires me to keep going.”
Website: Stephanie Calabrese Photography


Veronica Sixtos

Occupation: Musician, Actress, YouTuber
“Beyond music and acting and fame, I want to be remembered for the way I can relate to people. I want people to think of me and my music and feel a real, human connection.”
Facebook: Veronica Sixtos

UniverseVeronica Sixtos
Anabelle Dimang

Occupation: Artist & RAW Director
“Some of my favorite themes are nostalgia...memories that haven't happened quite yet, daydreams...I like to incorperate metaphorical themes into my illustrations.”
Website: Anabelle Dimang


Dave C. Wright

Occupation: Musician – Ukelele, Banjo, Vocals
“Years down the line, if some guy turns to another guy and says, 'Hey, remember that guy?' and the other guy was like, '....Yeah!' that's good enough for me. As long as I made a few people laugh.”
Facebook: Dave C. Wright

Goodbye FancyDave C. Wright
Elliott Rodriguez

Occupation: Artist by Night - Banker by Day
“Most of my subjects end up coming from my kids; whatever they're into ends up on the page. So Super Mario Brothers was big for a while, and then superheros have been pretty popular.”
Website: WhoElseDesign


Dylan Dunlap

Occupation: Musician – Guitar, Vocals
“The keyboard represents my stubborness as a child to only play in one octive, and 'Breathe.' is a reminder; and the period is symbolic that you don't have to do much other than that.”
Facebook: Dylan Dunlap

World of HopeDylan Dunlap
Josh Coen

Occupation: Photographer
“I love the smell of biscuts. All breakfast food makes me feel warm and homey, and that might bleed into the more sentimental reasons why I take photos.”
Website: Josh Coen


William Eastland

Occupation: Musician – Piano, Vocals, etc.

“Life. Being alive inspires me to write music. Happiness, sadness, darkness, light. When you feel something you have to express it. ”
Facebook: William Eastland

I Wish You LoveWilliam Eastland
Heather Ireland

Occupation: Artist - Oil/Watercolor Painter
“My best setting is painting in my studio with the company of other talented artists. There is a unique energy that takes my paintings to another level, good company brings great art."
Website: Heather Ireland


Andrea Marchant

Occupation: Musician – Guitar, Vocals
“When I was little, all I wanted was to be a singer. My Mom said I sang before I talked....which makes no sense, but that's what she says.”
Facebook: Andrea Marchant

SeattleAndrea Marchant
Crystal Salas

Occupation: Word Artist - Poet, Entrepreneur
“I have an unrequited love affair with Frank O'Hara...when I was 16 someone gave me the poem 'Lana Turner Has Collapsed' and I don't think I understood poetry until that moment.”
Website: Crystal Salas


James Kennedy

Occupation: Musician – Guitar, Vocals
“As far as being remembered goes….I think everyone wants to be remembered as the Beatles. So yeah, I’d like to be remembered as the Beatles.”
Facebook: James Kennedy

Good AdviceJames Kennedy
David Hanzal

Occupation: Artist - Masks, Puppets, etc.
“I believe that it’s my job to be the first critical audience member for any work that I direct and create.”
Website: David Hanzal

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